
Make your sketch green

How to do it, how to analyse it and how to search for it.

It is always a good practice to full-constrain a sketch. A constrained, positioned sketch provides a solid fundament for the further design.

Let me show you how to:
1. Find sketches which are not constrained
2. Analyse them
3. Constrain them

1. To find sketches which are not constrained go to Tools>Parameterization Analysis and filter for Under-constrained Sketches (Fig.1).
2. Once you find a sketch, which is not fully constrained, you can analyse it, to see what constrains are missing. To diagnose a sketch, open it and go to Tools>Sketch Analysis. In a new window, Sketch Analysis, go to tab Diagnostic. In the column Status you can find geometry which is not constrained - Fig.2.
3. To constrain geometry use dimensional or geometrical constrains (Fig.3). Constrained geometry will be marked with green color.